Hospital Introduction

Instructions on administration and discharge

Xi'an No.1 Hospital transfer processes between departments or hospitals
Transfer processes between departments:
1. The destination department shall consult and agree the transfer before being transferred due to the needs of diagnosis or treatment program.
2. The treating physician shall complete the INTRA-HOSPITAL TRANSFER RECORD and then inform the inpatient department to handle the specialist procedures, and contact the destination department.
3. The original department shall inform the destination department about the conditions of the patient and other matters.
4. The destination department shall make examination, diagnosis, treatment and transferred documentation for the transferred patients as if they are newly admitted.
Transfer processes between hospitals:
1. The inter-hospital transfer shall be made by the director of the department. The patients and their families may also make a request to the competent department director or physician, and after approved by the Medical Services Department, the destination hospital will be contacted in advance. If agreed by the destination hospital, the transfer can then be made. If necessary, it must be reported to the Health Bureau for approval, certificate issuing and procedures handling. For patients with acute infectious diseases, leprosy, mental illness or paraplegia, transferring to hospitals in other provinces is prohibited.
2. For the patient with serious conditions, the hospital shall arrange the escorts and the emergency medicine. If it is estimated that there may be life-threatening on the way, it is prohibited to transfer such patients until their conditions becoming stable. The patients and their families should also actively cooperate.
3. Relevant discharge procedures should be handled during transfer and the medical records, discharge summary and relevant medical information (duplicate) should be carried with the patients.

Admission and Discharge Processes of Xi'an No.1 Hospital

Admission process: 
1. Issuing of the hospitalization instruments by the physicians of our hospital clinic or emergency department according to the conditions.
2. Handling the hospitalization procedures and paying the hospitalization fees by the patients at the hospitalization charge counter, where the hospitalization instruments issued by the physicians and the clinic or emergency medical records should be showed. For patients covered by the cooperative medical care or medical insurance for urban resident, the medical care booklet, cooperative medical care booklet, family registers and ID cards should be showed at the Medical Insurance Office (3rd floor of the clinic building) for authorization and stamping, before handling the hospitalization procedures and paying the deposits at the hospitalization charge counter.
3. As required by the physicians, the inpatients should complete the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of their contacts, and undergo the necessary sanitization. The medical staff shall initiatively and warmly receive the inpatients and introduce the hospitalization rules and ward regulations.
4. Critically ill patients, who need immediate rescue, will receive the treatment or surgery directly and the procedures can be handled afterwards.
Discharge process:
1. The patients will be informed the discharge time of the patients as determined by the attending physician or doctor in Charge, and the hospitalization department will also be informed before hand to handle the discharge procedures.
2. The ward nursing personnel will check and recycle the hospital appliances used by the patient during hospitalization.
3. For patients not applicable for discharge but they or their families insisting on discharge, the physicians should inform their families about the prognosis which will be out of the responsibility of the hospital. The signatures should be left on the medical record for the purpose of evidence.
4. For patients applicable for discharge but refusing to do so, the relevant entities will be informed to take them out of the hospital.